Multi-Color Mooring Line



TB_Rope_End_Graphic_AUpon receipt of a new multi-color mooring line, it is important to identify one end of the rope from the other. Rope management practices such as inspections, maintenance, line rotations, cropping, and record keeping are all dependent on the orientation of the line. For example, when a line is end-for-ended, it’s important to know which end is which.


Samson offers two multi-color lines, EverSteel™-X and AmSteel®-X , both engineered specifically for mooring applications. The innovative colored strand patterns are useful for identifying twist in the lines and determining rope end orientation.


TB_Rope_End_Graphic_B_800pxRopes have two ends, each defined with a letter for quick identification: 
End A — The end that should be installed on the outboard/shore end upon initial installation.

End B — The end that will connect to the winch/inboard end upon initial installation (will become outboard once end-for-ended).

There are two ways to identify which end is which. An identification tag is installed in each eye on the rope with a capital letter indicating end (A or B). Another way to identify each end on a multi-color mooring line is to examine the color of the strands on the body of the product. On AmSteel-X mooring lines, if a blue strand follows a gray strand while looking down the length of the rope body, you are looking toward end A. Alternatively, if a gray strand follows a blue strand, you are looking toward end B. On EverSteel-X mooring lines if a hi-vis green follows a black strand you are looking toward end A.

New Rope End Identification

Rope End Graphic CIf the rope arrived installed on a reel, the end on the outside of the reel should be end B or the inboard end. Please examine the rope on the reel and verify that the tag in the eye of the rope reads “B”. Examine the strands as well and verify that a gray strand follows a blue strand in the direction toward the eye on the outside of the reel. Once end B has been verified, the rope can be installed onto the winch. Pull the rope from the top of the reel during installation. End B (inboard end) will be the end of the line that gets installed on the winch first. After fully installed, end A (outboard end) will be on the outermost layer on the winch.


Rope End Identification While in Operation

For end identification after the rope has been installed on the winch, look at the eye tag on the end of the line that is outermost on the winch. The tag should read A. Take a look down the line length from the vessel toward the shore. If a gray strand comes prior to a blue strand, the line has been installed correctly and is still in the original orientation (i.e. has not been end-for-ended yet) and end A is outboard toward the shore.


Rope End Graphic D

We hope that you are satisfied with your product and find end identification to be useful during install and operations. If you have any questions regarding your product or identifying ends, please reach out to your Samson representative or email