Tried and True Foundation – AmSteel®-Blue
AGILE Lifting System is built on a foundation of proven synthetic rope performance: AmSteel®-Blue. For over 25 years, Samson has been the predominant supplier of ropes made with Dyneema® in industries as diverse as offshore energy, vessel mooring, tug assist, mining, utility, recreational marine, arboriculture, commercial fishing, and, most recently, crane. AGILE technology leverages this unprecedented track record. In addition, extensive testing has been done to understand these ropes’
behavior performance characteristics beyond strength; like abrasion, tension fatigue, cyclic bend over sheave (CBOS), UV resistance, shock loading, and more.
Configuration Design Built from Experience and Technology
AGILE uses Samson’s advanced proprietary performance modeling software that empowers engineers to meet complex lift requirements quickly and with pinpoint accuracy. Samson has invested substantially to create a predictive model: building,
testing and characterizing 50+ full-scale slings over a 2-year period.
Testing included alternate rigging configurations, along with deliberate miss-rigging to determine what effect misuse would have on the slings’ performance. The results verified that, even in the case of miss-rigging, AGILE slings retained greater
than 85% of design strength in all cases.
After extensive field trials and tests, AGILE Lifting System is a proven strong and durable option. After a 10-month trial that comprised hundreds of lifts per sling, inspections revealed no significant damage other than cosmetic scuffing of the covers,
and residual strength tests have shown that AGILE slings retained 90%-100% of their rated strength.
Using your design requirements and specifications, we can generate a sling model customized to fit your exacting parameters. Moreover, the configurator generates additional lift options and design solutions for cost or schedule considerations.

Unbreakable Bond of AVIENT and Samson
The AGILE Lifting System is one of many industry-firsts in a long line of such innovations created from the strong and successful partnership between Samson—The Strongest Name in Rope, and AVIENT, creator of Dyneema®—The
World’s Strongest Fiber. Our collaborative product development efforts result in the best combinations of fibers, rope constructions, and coatings, delivering safer working conditions, improved performance, reliability, and long service life to customers around the world.